Team Onboarding Checklist


Streamline your team onboarding and get your new hires up to speed fast with this step-by-step team onboarding checklist.

I know the feeling of relief when a position is finally filled. And the panic that sets in when you’re scrambling to get everything ready for a new hire’s first day.

Onboarding a new team member can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. 

Especially when you have a proven onboarding process to follow.

That's why I’m giving you the same Team Onboarding Checklist I use to onboard my team members.

Why do you need my Team Onboarding Checklist?Time-saving

This checklist will save you time by providing a step-by-step process for onboarding your new team member. You won't have to worry about missing any important steps or scrambling to figure out what to do next.


I’ve designed this checklist to help you create a streamlined onboarding process that will benefit both you and your team. This will help you create a consistent experience for your new hires and help them feel confident in their new role.


The checklist is customizable to fit your unique business needs. We understand that every business is different, and we’re giving you a format that will allow you to tailor the checklist as needed.

Productivity Boosting

My Team Onboarding Checklist will not only save you time but also boost your productivity by providing a clear roadmap for your new team member's success. With a well-structured and streamlined onboarding process, your new team member will be able to quickly become a productive member of your team, saving you even more time and resources in the long run.

Hi, I’m Kathryn Binkley.

Business Operations & Leadership Coach

After more than 17 years of building and leading high performing teams, I know what goes into hiring great team members. But more importantly, I know what it takes to KEEP them.

And that starts with a smooth onboarding process. 

I understand that you're a business owner with big dreams, a growing team, and very limited time. So I’m giving you an easy to follow step-by-step team onboarding checklist to save you time.

Learn more about me here.

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